As a company of men and women who have been saved by the blood of Christ and brought together into the fellowship of this church, we promise;
- To walk together in all holiness, humility, godliness, and brotherly love.
- To watch over each other, encouraging each other to love and good works, and only giving a word of rebuke or warning with meekness and great tenderness.
- To pray for one another, for the increase of the church and an outpouring of the Spirit of God in our midst.
- To pray especially for our leaders as they minister amongst us and seek to lead us to evangelise the local area.
- To bear one another's burdens, having a fellow feeling for each other in all conditions whether spiritual or physical.
- To remember each other's weaknesses, failings, and infirmities in a spirit of love and affection, seeking only the good of the whole church.
- To strive together for the truth of the Gospel avoiding anything, which might cause division or strife, endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.
- To meet together as we are given opportunities, to serve God, to edify one another, and to promote the good of this church with prayerful and financial support.
These promises we make, not in our strength, being conscience of our weaknesses, but in the power and strength of our God, whose we are, and who we desire to serve. To Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, be glory both now and evermore. Amen.